Distinguished guests, Dear DEST Members, Colleagues, Ladies & Gentlemen:
On behalf of China Medical University Hospital and the Digestive Endoscopy Society of Taiwan (DEST), I am honorable to welcome you sincerely to attend “DEST 2021” held on July 31 and August 1, 2021 in Taichung.
Even though pandemics of COVID-19 has changed the world and made much inconvenience, I would like to thank all attenders, moderators and speakers, especially who kindly accept DEST’s invitation to participate this meeting from nationwide and aboard.
The latest state-of-art technological innovations have led to a remarkable progression in endoscopic imaging and techniques, and may facilitate new standardizations of practice. In this meeting, the multidisciplinary focused issues of digestive endoscopy will include domains and diseases of esophagus, stomach, pancreaticobiliary system, small intestine and colorectum. Recent advances in screening and prevention of colorectal cancer, advanced pancreaticobiliary procedures and interventional endoscopic ultrasonography, which have remarkable progressions, will also be addressed and emphasized. Experts with professionalism will also share their experiences on the currently debating issues.
A live demonstration will be held on July 31 at CMUH, and nationwide endoscopic experts will demonstrate noble and skillful procedures. We wish all members and attenders being able to update knowledge, including scientific researches and guidelines, and professional techniques.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere welcome again to all participants, I hope you enjoy your stay in Taichung.